Today the office crazy came up to me and asked if I was still married. (This is the same woman that is constantly on the prowl for her future husband and came to work downtown in order to search for him.) I informed her that indeed I still was and considering D's new light and cheery mood we might just stay that way. :) He has been so pleasant lately that I think I almost forgot how much I enjoy being around him.
Chrissy sent me an e-mail saying how grown up we are now with a house. I was feeling that way too until D's friend's called to say they are having a baby. I am still in shock over the whole thing. They are our age and at this point I am just not ready to devote myself to the care and well-being of another human for the next 18 years. I am still enjoying a lot of "me" time. I am happy for them. They seem excited and this is what they want. The dad-to-be described having a baby as being "just like having a dog, but you have to take it everywhere." Let's hope he was joking.
I want to know if any of my friends watch Lost. I freaking love that show, but apparently I am the only nerd that watches it. I really need someone to call after the show is over and say "Ohmigosh, can you believe it?" So, someone either needs to tell me that they watch it, or I am going to have to stop being friends with you all. Just kidding.
Maybe I will mail Wes the first season for Christmas and get him hooked on it and then hold information about the second season over his head for the next year. Geez my red-headed mean streak is coming out today.
Love you all and you will all be officially invited over as soon as I unpack the house.
The diet took a beating this weekend, as I couldn't find anything to either prepare food with or eat with, so I ate bad food everyday. For the last three weeks of my diet, I have maintained, which is an improvement over the steady gaining I was doing.