Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm in Debt Until 2035!

Yesterday D and I went to the closing and signed lots of papers saying that we will be in debt until 2035! Seeing that year in writing makes it all seem very real. However, after it was all over, I felt a great relief and felt very happy.

D insisted that we do the following things last night:
1. Sleep in the new house on our bed.
2. Buy furniture.
3. Pick-up the furniture and deliver it to the house.
4. Pick-up a used washer and dryer that we bought.

Our closing was at 3:30 and we managed to finish up all of the above tasks and get to sleep by 11:00. I was rather impressed, I thought it would be at least midnight.

Upon delivery of the washer and dryer I thought we were going to have make our first major home repair as Dustin nearly backed into the garage with the trailer containing the washer and dryer. He thought he had 6 feet of space when he really had 6 inches - if that. But all is well and we don't need a new garage door.

I think we both went to bed feeling really blessed and content. Yesterday was a very good day.

I am looking forward to having people over and am excited for my out of town/country friends to get back so that I can invite them over and fill the house with people. That's what makes it feel like a home.


Chris said...

AHH! Amber, you're all grown up with a house, a dog and a husband. I can't wait to get back in town to see the place. You have one month and 5 days 'til Aaron and I will be coming to visit. Get to work, YEAH!


Anonymous said...

You may delete this if you choose. You have like a year and 5 and a half months until I come and visit woohoo!! I know that you left out and have sex in our new house on that list. I know how that mind of yours works you dont fool me! Congrats on the new house. Take pix so I can see it all beautiful and decorated. Anything you want from thailand to decorate it with. i have an idea but do you have or will you be getting a big dining room table?