Monday, August 22, 2005

Mac's Sweet Nails, Martha Stewart, and a New House

Mac got his sweet nails at You can also buy a similar product at the big pet stores but they don't have the pretty colors. I figure if you are going to humiliate your cat, you might as well do it in color!

D and I put in another offer on a house. We really like this one and it is in our price range more than the first one we put an offer on. We made a very fair offer, so I think that we will probably get the house. I am pumped. I love the kitchen! I will bake and entertain just like Martha Stewart. You know I use to aspire to be just like Martha, but after her incarceration, I am not sure that she is an appropriate role model.

Talking about Martha's incarceration reminds me of a rather humorous piece of her website. Here is a live chat with Martha after she "returned home". Notice how she never actually acknowledges that she was in jail. I really do like Martha and think she got a bad wrap, but the degree of denial in this live chat is funny.

Also, here is a smoking update. On Friday I was so frustrated that D hadn't noticed that I said to him "Dustin, have you noticed anything different?" He said "No" and asked what had changed. I didn't want to tell him, but he was begging me and I said "If I tell you can I reverse whatever it is that I have changed?" He said "Yes". So I told him "I quit smoking." He was really suprised and kept asking me when. He really had not noticed. Although he defends himself by saying he would have noticed on the weekend. Oh well. I didn't actually start smoking again either, which was quite a feat considering the crazy drinking that was going on at Chrissy's bonfire. I'll post bonfire pics soon.

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