Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Lush and the Roof

Hey - house update time.

So a while a go I mentioned that the house needed a new roof, so our realtor talked to their realtor and requested a new roof be put on the house before we buy it. I was thinking
"Yeah right, this will never happen, but we can maybe work something else out. This is just going to take a long time. Here we go." D was stressing in a less than productive way.

So, Friday night I went home and drank a lot of wine by myself. Actually D was there too, but I was the only one drinking. I don't usually do anything like that, but I did last Friday. So I got drunk, discovered I liked my husband better under the influence of alcohol and relaxed a little. Either that or my drinking makes that pesky stick fall right out of his ass.

I went through the rest of the long weekend cleaning house like crazy and returned to the office on Tuesday to get a very good call from the realtor. The sellers agreed to put a roof on. I was very excited! Called D and he is excited too.

The moral of the story is this: if you keep expecting the worst and drowning your worries in booze, your husband will call you a win-o but you just might get a new roof. (Or something like that).

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