Friday, January 13, 2006

Gold Star for D

I know I do a lot of complaining about D on here, so I would like to take a moment to give him some compliments.

We were busy for two weeks (right after Christmas) redecorating our kitchen. (By the way, wallpaper should be considered a sin!) Anyhow, in the process, our house became this huge mess of chaos and fast food wrappers (because we didn't want to eat meals garnished with grout and drywall dust). Also, we neglected the over the top Christmas lights and decorations that we put outside (we were lit up like Vegas, baby). So we looked like a bunch of hillbillies with holiday decor STILL up. Being new in the neighborhood it probably caused a great deal of complaining by the neighbor's. We were already pushing it this season with the neighbor's, being the only people on the cul-de-sac to go bold with multi-colored lights.

Anyhow, all of this accumulated and I was looking toward a drab weekend of endless chores, but, I came home on Wednesday to find that my wonderful husband, cleaned the house, took down the Christmas lights, and was cooking dinner for me! What a lucky girl I am.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Christmas 2005

Here are the pics we took Christmas morning. I am posting these so that Wes can see the living room. Please - if possible - divert your eyes from my gigantic hips clad in spandex or blindness may occur.
Also, these are mainly of Maple opening her Christmas present. She was excited about that! Mac on the other hand could have cared less about his gift. Instead, he wanted to destroy the decorations on the tree. Ungrateful beast!

Photos Extravaganza 2

This one is mainly for Wes ans others who may not have seen my house. I din't take pics of the rooms specifically, but you can get the idea.

Left - Maple frolics with D's parent's dogs in the back yard. Maple is the slender one. :)

Above - D and Mac chilling in the den.
Below- Maple likes to lick the last few drips from the beer bottle in the kitchen. This was at the OSU Michigan party.