Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Home Buying Tips from the Happy Pessimist

Just a little FYI for all of those who expect something different - buying a house is stressful and subject to change at any time.

D is driving me a little crazy because he is so stressed out over this whole house thing. I don't think he expected any of the twists and turns that we have faced. On the other hand, this is not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. So far the biggest stress factor in this thing for me is my husband's foul mood in response to the stress. He's not exactly Mr. Sunshine lately.

So, this is my piece of advice : to spare the sanity of those who love you when shopping for a house you need to expect the worst; if you think it can't get any worse then it probably will.

Yesterday we had the home inspection and found out that the house we are trying to buy will need a new roof soon. The cost of the house was so reasonable that I knew there had to be something wrong with it. I was expecting way worse than a roof actually. On the other hand, Dustin is now convinced that the world out to get him because just as things were going well, this popped up.

I'm telling you - expect the worst and you will be pleasantly surprised. Sometimes pessimism pays.

PS - Still haven't smoked.

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