Friday, March 31, 2006

That Deserves an Arbor Mist

Tonight Shan and Laurie are coming over and we are going to eat Hostess Sushi, as seen on Not Martha's website. It is an improptu celebration as well because Laurie was just accepted to grad school. I told her that deserves an Arbor Mist (remember those commercials?). So, for those of you who can't make it we'll think of you foundly as we sip Arbor Mist. Chrissy will now post a comment about how only the uncivilized drink Arbor Mist. But it's cheap, it tastes good, and one large bottle will get me drunk! These are, of course, the three criteria I use when choosing an adult beverage.

Pics of my desert sushi to come. I am so excited about it!

1 comment:

Wesley said...

awww i want a hostess sushi! Have a drink for me guys and have fun!