Monday, May 08, 2006

That's My Dad!

So, Friday night Connie and I came home from work (we carpool) and noticed that my Dad wasn't home. Turns out he was working overtime. So, I go home and D and I went out to dinner and come home to go to bed. We were watching the news when a preview for the next story came on and mention a "different" kind of escape from a local prison. I started joking with D that my dad was going to be on the news - that perhaps he broke something, created such a big disturbance that the news had been called up. (My Dad does maintenance at a prison) Then the story came on. You can imagine my surprise when I saw that my Dad really was on the news! Luckily he had not broke anything! He was, however, rescuing a cat which funny if you know my dad because he really doesn't care for cats. So, here is a link to the story Cats Disappearance Prompts Frantic Dig 05/05/2006 11:35.

I watched the story on a different channel. It was on all 3 local channels and on two others the next day. The one that I watched actually mentioned his name - enjoy. He is the one with the jackhammer by the way.

Tonight Connie and I are going to create a T-Shirt for him that says "PCI Cat Rescue Team" LOL . He'll love it.


Chris said...

Amber your dad rocks! I'm in class checking blogs and you're blog made me laugh hard at the wrong moment. My professor knows I'm not paying full attention - thanks!

Amber said...

I know I have blogged well when I make someone laugh at an inappropriate time.

Wesley said...

wow thats so fun....your dad is so way cool